Counselor Update - Thank you! o Thank you once again for another successful year of Counselor Updates! Each year the counselors love this event and look forward to this day because of you. You did a great job presenting and helping host at each site. We simply could not make this event a success without all of your team help. Our sincerest thank you! Membership Directory o Please take minute to review your institution’s listing @ http://www.mpseoc.org/mpseoc-member-directory.html o If you have any updates to this directory, you can easily submit those changes @ http://www.mpseoc.org/directory-changes.html . Next MPSEOC Board Meeting – December 13, 2013 @ 10:00 a.m. o Any MPSEOC members are welcome to join in this quarterly meeting. If you would like to attend, share any agenda items, or feedback, your ideas are always welcome and encouraged. Thank you! Do you have any additional feedback or ideas for MPSEOC? o If at any point you have new ideas and/or feedback to share, we are always excited to hear your thoughts. MPSEOC’s events and programs are a statewide, team effort, and your support and collaboration are essential for the success of our mission. We sincerely appreciate your feedback and ideas! Thank you!
Montana Tribal College Fairs o You are invited! Mark your calendar! o Dates: February 3-6 and 10-11, 2014 o Look for a postcard invite in the mail soon which will include more details on times, locations, registration, etc.! o We hope to see you there! |
February 2025
MPSEOC.org | MontanaColleges.comMontana Post Secondary Educational Opportunities Council
MPSEOC is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Organization | Copyright of MPSEOC |