All virtual programming will be hosted via Zoom Technology. Here are a few Zoom Guides to help you. If you need help with Zoom, please contact us before the conference to run a test with you.
What is "Virtual / Zoom Etiquette" for this event?
We want to make sure this virtual experience is quality and allows for positive interactions, professional development, & networking. To help keep this virtual space a quality gathering we ask you to keep in mind the following Zoom Etiquette:
Please keep your mic muted unless you are speaking.
Please make sure your name on your screen states your name & institution.
Please share your questions in the chat and/or live if asked.
Please feel free to use the "emoticons" to share your excitement, support, etc.
Please feel free to chat with your fellow professionals. We will have live chat in most sessions for you to dialogue and network. Please make sure to double check before you send your messages live.
Please use the Conference Fun Backgrounds to celebrate in the fun!
Need help! Each session will have a co-host to help in the session. Please feel free to reach out directly in chat to this person. We are here to help you have a great conference!
Why is the in-person sessions limited?
The In-Person Gathering is limited due to COVID-19 and safety management this year. We would have loved to have all of our members together, and this year we were restricted for safety for all. Thank you for your understanding in this unique time. We hope to be back to fully in-person soon.
When do we need to arrive for the In-Person Sessions on July 28, 2021?
We will open Conference In-Person Registration @ 12pm on July 28, 2021.
What is the In-Person COVID-19 Agreement?
For all In-Person attendees, please review this agreement. Thank you!