A Very Special Thank You From MPSEOC!
As we begin a new fiscal year and 2019, MPSEOC would like to share a very special thank you with each of you for all the good work you do in Montana and beyond! MPSEOC appreciates you and your teams for all the amazing service you offer students, parents, counselors, and so many. Together we are able to accomplish so much more, and we are excited for another year to collaborate with each of you in this great statewide mission. MPSEOC has been serving Montana for over 30 years, and we are proud to call you our members! As we ended 2018, we just wanted to share the many highlights and amazing efforts we accomplished as a Montana team! Thank you for your continued support and collaboration to help keep Montana education connected! As we begin 2019, we are excited to work with you once again! Also, we are always seeking your feedback. Please share your thoughts on how we may better work with you and your teams, as well as, any new, innovative ideas you might have for us to make 2019 the best year yet. Wishing you a very happy 2019, and we are so excited to start this year with all of you! MPSEOC & Amy Montana Post Secondary Educational Opportunities Council |
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MPSEOC.org | MontanaColleges.comMontana Post Secondary Educational Opportunities Council
MPSEOC is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Organization | Copyright of MPSEOC |