![]() HAPPY NEW YEAR, MONTANA COUNSELORS! We hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and we are excited to begin 2017 with all of you! MPSEOC & the Montana Colleges wanted to share a very special thank you and also a few important updates to kick off the new year. This last fall season was an exciting time in education! With the September College Fairs, we had collective efforts from hundreds of volunteers and a coming-together of 80+ colleges and universities that served over 10,000 Montana students exposing them to a multitude of opportunities available after high school. Thank you for all your team efforts, for we simply could not offer these events without your help. Further, this year's Counselor Update was the largest Update yet with over 240 registrants! Through your attendance at this event, we continue to ensure students are getting up-to-date information about their best fit college. Also, College Application Week was another huge success thanks to the GEAR UP team and everyone who makes this event happen. All of your continued hard work allows us to preserve and grow the quality of these events. Thank you for all the good work you do for students and Montana. It is an honor to team with all of you in this mission. Wishing you a very happy start to 2017! ~MPSEOC, Lauren, & Amy www.MontanaColleges.com Read Counselor's Corner | January 2017: http://us14.campaign-archive2.com/?u=d3f7b5300860d56a6ef2827a1&id=f67c286dcd
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MPSEOC.org | MontanaColleges.comMontana Post Secondary Educational Opportunities Council
MPSEOC is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Organization | Copyright of MPSEOC |