All MPSEOC Members are specially invited to be a part of this great team!
For the last year this Task Force has been doing incredible work with almost 20 MPSEOC Members working in three committees focused on virtual events, marketing, recruitment, student programs, and more. Join one of these committees doing exciting work:
Attendance & Promotions - High Schools, Students, Parents, Transfer Students, Venders, Community, Etc. | This committee will focus primarily on how do we better reach and increase attendance and interaction in our virtual events with students, counselors, parents, schools, colleges, vendors, community, etc. We will ask the committee to come up with strategies and action items to try to address this need.
High School Counselor Relations & Support For Events | This committee will focus primarily on how we better support Counselors and gain buy-in for them to work within these events and programming. We will ask the committee to come up with strategies and action items to try to address this need.
Overall Event Planning (Fairs, Summer Conference, Counselor Update, Virtual Events, etc.) | Platform, Schedule, Layout, & Planning with Executive Director | This committee will focus primarily on the online platform, schedule flow, & overall long-term virtual event planning structure. We will ask the committee to come up with strategies and action items to try to address this need.
*Note: Each committee may also choose additional goals / projects outside of the main committee focus if the committee members choose.
SIGN UP Today! We would love to have you part of this great Montana team helping students and education together!
Why participate?
This is a great way to expand relations across Montana and also overall professional development while giving back to the whole state together.
What a great way to give back, build relations, network, and help all campuses help students together.
Join us today! It is a special opportunity for all our MPSEOC Members!
what is the time committement?
This is a developing and ever-changing Task Force team, so commitments change by committee and project being worked on each season. But typically, the following is a gauge on time-commitment:
Overall Montana Task Force Meetings | We typically meet about 1 a month as an overall team to share what each committee is working on and also bring the overall team together to help each other's goals and projects.
Montana Task Force Committee Meetings | Each committee will meet on their own schedule as needed depending upon projects. However, typically each committee will meet 1 other time within the month outside of the overall team meeting.
Overall Meeting Commitment is on average 2 meetings per month.* (pending project needs per committee.)
Timeline | To help with team connection and committee success, we ask each member to try and commit to at least 1 year on this Task Force.
How to sign up for free?
All MPSEOC Members are invited to participate for free! Sign up today and attend the next round of meetings!