Virtual Platform | For all virtual programming, we will be hosting these sessions via Zoom Connection.
Connection Details Timeline | We will be posting connection details and links on this website within a few days of the live event. Look for more details sent directly to your email address on the registration form. Thank you! Technical Questions or Need Help? | Before the event, we encourage you to download and test Zoom if you have not used this virtual platform. If you have further questions about connecting for these events, please contact us @ [email protected] / 406.531.3531, and we are happy to help test with you this technology before the week of the event. |
In-Person Limited Attendance | *The In-Person gathering is limited to only MPSEOC Members & Sponsor/Partners. Thank you! Due to continued COVID-19 impacts, we are limiting the in-person gathering to only 2 Attendees from Each Montana College Institution & Major Partners/Sponsors. We are trying to keep in-person attendance to around 60+/- people. Pre-Registration required by the deadline to make in-person accommodations. Who Should Attend In-Person? In-Person will be geared toward middle to upper management. Directors & Associate Directors recommended to attend if possible. - Scholarships | If funding is blocking you from attending, please contact us, as we do offer scholarships to help keep you and your team connected. Where will in-person sessions be hosted? We will be hosting in-person sessions in the beautiful Fairmont Hot Springs Conference Center for all in-person programming. When you arrive, simply stop by the front desk and ask for the MPSEOC | Montana Colleges Conference in the new Conference area. Room Reservations
ADDRESS: 1398 Fairmont Rd, Anaconda, MT 59711 PHONE: 800-332-3272 or 406-797-3241 DIRECTIONS WEBSITE : https://www.fairmontmontana.com/ Questions or Need Help? | If you have further questions, please contact us @ [email protected] / 406.531.3531, and we are happy to help. |
MPSEOC.org | MontanaColleges.comMontana Post Secondary Educational Opportunities Council
MPSEOC is a 501(c)3 Tax Exempt Organization | Copyright of MPSEOC |