MPSEOC virutal Counselor UpdatE & Student fair week
october 26-30, 2020
virtually across montana
You Are Specially Invited To Present!
| All 25 Montana Colleges and University MPSEOC Members are invited to present at this annual event! |
| Here is your chance to reach almost all Montana High Schools and most of the Montana High School Counselors in this one event! |
| All Across Montana |
*Montana Colleges help support the costs of this event with a Presentation Fee & Virtual Platform Fee.
Thank you for your support and help!
step 1step 2*Email changes back to [email protected]
by no later than October 9, 2020. Thank you! step 3*If you have not done this already, please make sure to submit this information by no later than October 9, 2020. Thank you!
step 4step 5*If you have any questions or need help, please let us know, and we are happy to help. Thank you!
update your campus page
- Once you have registered, the next step is to submit changes for your campus page in the printed book. In order to meet printing deadlines, we will need your information submitted by the deadline. Thank you for your team efforts on this!
- REVISE & EMAIL CHANGES BACK TO YOUR CAMPUS DOCUMENT | To preview your page from last year, visit the link below to preview your page from last year.
- EMAIL CHANGES TO YOUR CAMPUS DOCUMENT | Email your changes back to us no later than October 9, 2020 to be included in the new printed book for this event. Emails changes to: [email protected] Thank you!
- IMPORTANT REMINDER - SUMBIT CAMPUS PROFILE INFORMATION | If you have not had a chance to update your campus profile information, please do so by the October 9, 2020 deadline, as we will using this information in the printed book for counselors and high schools, and we want to make sure you we have your campus’s current information. Thank you if you already submitted this information last month. If you still need to submit this profile information, you may do so @ the link below.
- Deadline To Submit Your PRINTED & PROFILE Campus Updates & Information | October 9, 2020
WHEN | This year's MPSEOC Counselor Update is scheduled for
Wednesday, October 23, 2019 from 10 a.m.- 3 p.m. WHAT | Important information about the Counselor Update process is outlined below.
This event has been a great way to reach the majority of counselors across the state each year. We look forward to having your school a part of this information-sharing session once again. We will be in touch with you again soon especially with some of you to get your help in making local arrangements (food, etc). Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. We appreciate all your team efforts to make this event happen each year. |
- $200 Presentation Fee (This fee helps with the increasing technology, room, parking, catering, printing, etc. costs)
- Registration | Deadline to Register is October 4, 2019
- Payment | You are welcome to pay with a credit card in the online registration form, or you are welcome to mail a check to: MPSEOC, P.O. Box 7547, Missoula, MT, 59707. Thank you!
We will be broadcasting the Update to the following areas:
- Billings
- Bozeman
- Glasgow
- Great Falls
- Havre
- Helena
- Kalispell
- Miles City
- Missoula
MPSEOC would like to continue this event as an opportunity for counselors to hear from your campus Directors, as counselors really appreciate this connection. However, if that is not possible, most counselors really care that they get accurate information from a campus professional. If the Director-type person is not available on your campus, please select another staff member who will be the most knowledgeable and feel comfortable presenting on the video conference.
Presenting Model | Share Your Campus’s Top 5 Updates – After reviewing much feedback on how we can create a more efficient, engaging way to share updates, we have a few recommendations for sharing these presentations. Instead of reading your handout or trying to mention everything on your campus, counselors have shared that they would appreciate a more outlined approach in your presentation. Therefore, we ask everyone to share your “TOP 5” points about your campus. these points may be any five categories you feel are most important. However, we would like you to clearly outline the 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, points in your presentation. We will also complement this new model by having a “TOP 5” outline for counselors to take notes of your five important points while you are talking (in addition to your printed campus page.)
As you create your “TOP 5” list of updates, please keep in mind that there have been many special requests by counselors across the state to make sure you include your major scholarship deadlines in this presentation and/or on your sheet of information.
As you create your “TOP 5” list of updates, please keep in mind that there have been many special requests by counselors across the state to make sure you include your major scholarship deadlines in this presentation and/or on your sheet of information.
- Each campus will have 5-7 minutes to present information about the campus and programs. In an effort to streamline the process and make it most useful for counselors, we am including a list of recommended topics that you should be sure to cover (see linked below). Please spend some time thinking about these topical areas and planning your presentation to focus on your “TOP 5 Updates.”
- Based on feedback from previous years, counselors really appreciate when you focus on what makes your campus different. That is, what is a “typical” student and what programs are most popular?
- Give the counselors some talking points that they will remember, and points they can use with their students.
- Also, counselors would prefer if you share more than just the information they will be receiving on the handout. You are welcome to distribute any information that you think counselors would find helpful, but we would ask you to use the “TOP 5 Update” approach (linked below) to make it more clear.
- IMPORTANT REMINDER | In order to keep within our agenda time, we will be holding each presenter to their presenting time limit. Being that it is a very long day for counselors to listen to everyone’s updates, we do not want to go over on time. Please feel free to use your cell phone as your own timer, as we have to keep everyone on time as we have over 30 presenters, and every minute counts. Thank you for being conscientious about your timing.
schedule of events
10:00 a.m. Check-in & Welcome (Coffee, juice, and rolls are provided.)
10:10 a.m. Welcome from MPSEOC | Montana Colleges
11:15 a.m. Break (The exact break time will be flexible due to the presenting layout.)
12:15 p.m. Break, Lunch, & Discussion (Lunch provided.)
1:45 p.m. IMPORTANT Announcements |
*Times and events are subject to possible variations.
10:10 a.m. Welcome from MPSEOC | Montana Colleges
11:15 a.m. Break (The exact break time will be flexible due to the presenting layout.)
12:15 p.m. Break, Lunch, & Discussion (Lunch provided.)
1:45 p.m. IMPORTANT Announcements |
- Financial Aid Announcement | GEAR UP | College Application Week | Reach Higher Montana | Montana University System & Dual Credit | Office of Public Instruction | OPI | MPSEOC | Montana Colleges | General Updates | Counselor Announcements
*Times and events are subject to possible variations.