We usually need to have this review finalized in this fiscal year, but due to the unforeseen changes with our major partner this fall and that impact to our programming and funds, we are extending the deadline. This year, the forms need to be submitted no later than January 31st to fulfill review procedure requirements. Thank you!
In-progress | With the Fiscal year just ending, the ed is still finalizing this overview and waiting on a few final accounting numbers. Look for an ed overview & highlights coming soon!
ED Position & Internal Policy Review
Update: Due to timing, we will have to wait to review this updated policy at the Board Retreat, as we are still working on it with FY accounting reporting. Thank you! The ED is currently doing a review and needed update to our position/policy for this role. This is overview and a needed step for our new CPA process and overall policy updating. The ED is currently working with our accounting team to settle the fiscal year end and will share this with the committee once this documentation is ready for review. Thank you.
ED meeting & further discussion
If you have any questions or would like me to attend a meeting to address questions, please do not hesitate to let me know. Thank you!
Reminder | ED Salary Review
Important Review | As you know the last few years, we have been doing an overall review of our nonprofit's business structure to keep us current. In considering ED salary/stipend growth, past Review Committees have considered a raise to keep up with inflation and changes especially with these estimates adjusting a lot since COVID-19. Each year as long as the ED is meeting and exceeding expectations, this committee considers this increase to stay current with this position standards. This strategy ensures that we stay up to date with current trends and be competitive to retain and attract employees. Please process this as a team and see what you think is best.
If it would be helpful, the ED would be happy to set up a conference call before you finalize this review. Please review the documents included and meet on your own to discuss everything. Below are a few possible suggestions or feedback from the ED in this review.
Current Salary & Insurance Stipend |
Current ED Salary: $72,883.07
Current ED Annual Insurance / Health Benefit Stipend: $9,910.00
UPDATE: From previous years, the committee asked the ED to do a bit more research on current standards/estimates for salary and insurance. Below are the results from this search. Please know these are estimates based on current searches. Let the ED know if you have any questions or need anything else. Thank you for your care, time, and consideration in this process!
*Coming soon! - Click link above for an estimated overview of what the ED found. Please know these are estimates and to her best ability to share current standards for salary and insurance quotes.